Victoria Youth Triathlon

Races Built on Passion

Races Built on Passion

Human Powered Racing began hosting races in 2010 when the then race director for the Victoria Youth Triathlon was retiring and was going to end the event. As a parent of young triathletes and an experienced triathlete himself, Rob Dibden was well aware of the importance of the Victoria Youth Triathlon to young up and…

Three young girls with medals on blue ribbons around their necks are standing shoulder to shoulder and smiling. They are all wearing running clothes and matching black "Human Powered Racing" visors. The back ground looks like field, and then a paved area, and then a patch of trees on a grey, but slightly sunny day. The background it out of focus.

Youth Race Series: Final Leg

13 Likes, 0 Comments – Triathlon of Compassion (@triofcompassion) on Instagram: “Did you know we have youth categories for ages 6 and up? Our race is the final leg of the youth…” Source: Triathlon of Compassion on Instagram: “Did you know we have youth categories for ages 6 and up? Our race is the final…

Two adult women celebrating with a young girl. All are blonde, and the two woman are smiling widely. We cannot see the girl's face. The woman behind the girl has her right arm around the girl and is squeezing her shoulder. The other woman is kneeling down and is face to face with the young girl and smiling. The grass in the background is bright green.

 Victoria Youth Triathlon

16 Likes, 1 Comments – Mike Neill (@humanpoweredracing) on Instagram: “#tbt Finish Line celebration at the Victoria Youth Triathlon. #humanpoweredracingyouth…” Source: Mike Neill on Instagram: “#tbt Finish Line celebration at the Victoria Youth Triathlon. #humanpoweredracingyouth #humanpoweredracing #triathlon #vicyouthtri”