June 12, 2020

Yesterday Triathlon BC announced the Provincial Return to Sport Guidelines for triathlon. Human Powered Racing has created a plan for returning to training based on these guidelines. Our first priority in creating this plan is the health and safety of our members.

The Human Powered Racing return to training plan

Human Powered Racing will;

  • Fully comply with Government regulations.
  • Maintain hand washing and respiratory hygiene.
  • Keep 2 metres distance from each other during all workouts excepting bike and run workouts during which athletes will conform to TriBC spacing guidelines.
  • Be hyper-alert to, and isolate if displaying any symptoms, including flu like symptoms.
  • Limit participation in all activities to a maximum of 50 people.

All participants of any club activity must sign a Waiver and an Athlete Agreement.

Athlete Compliance

All athletes (or parents of athletes under legal age) must sign the Acknowledgement of Training during a Pandemic agreement and Waiver of Liability.

All club members are required to self assess daily for symptoms of Covid 19 as per public health guidelines: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/about-covid-19/sym ptoms. If club members feel unwell at all they MUST stay at home and self isolate.

Club members must not share food, water bottles, or sports equipment. Physical contact such as handshakes and hugging are to be prohibited.

Club members are encouraged to thoroughly clean all personal and sports related equipment before and after use.

Athletes are encouraged to administer their own minor first aid in the event of minor injury.

Any club member who contracts Covid-19 or has had contact with anyone who has Covid-19 must self isolate for a minimum of 14 days before returning to club activities.

Club Compliance

Members must self-screen each day and pre-session. No one showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 may participate in any club activity.

There will be access to hand washing facilities/hand sanitizer at all workouts. Training venues will be chosen to reduce contact with the public at large. Venues will be chosen to allow athletes the ability to social distance safely.

Sessions will be outlined in advance over online calendar/email so there is no need to discuss in person on arrival. Any discussion around adaptations for injury or varying ability level discussed in advance where possible. Athletes will be encouraged to communicate with coaches electronically whenever possible.

Sessions will begin on time to discourage social interaction. Protocols will be in place for each workout to avoid group gatherings.

Social distancing will be maintained post session with everyone leaving immediately.

Only coaches will lay out and collect equipment, eg cones. Club members will not share equipment or help with the set up.

In the event of an incident or injury requiring physical contact, coaches will have protective masks and gloves for their personal use while attending to the injured party.

All athletes will be encouraged to deal with their own mechanical issues. In the event that an athlete requires assistance only a coach may assist and the athlete will step a minimum of 2m away from the equipment while assistance is rendered.