PEI lighthouse at sunrise

PEI Challenge

The PEI Challenge is an event to give cyclists and triathletes a focus for training and a goal to achieve. The Challenge is to ride the equivalent of the length of Prince Edward Island from East Point to North Cape and back during the month of June.

It is 508 Kilometers round trip.

Our first challenge was on the far west coast of Canada. This challenge takes you to the other end of the country. Imagine soaking in the famous maritimes charm as you make you way towards your goal.

You can ride anywhere on anything human powered with pedals. Log your distance and submit proof to us via the link.

Proof can be in the form of device files or simply a photo of your bike computer screen. It just needs to include the date and distance.

Everyone who enters the PEI Challenge will receive a commemorative plaque. As you reach your goals you will receive medallions that mount on the plaque to reward your progress. There is a medallion for each lap of the Challenge course to a maximum of 4 laps.

You can track your progress on the PEI Challenge progress page listing participants and their total progress, updated daily. This page will be accessible to the public so that your friends and family can follow your run.

Two cyclists on a bike trail in PEI
An image of Prince Edward Island with a cycling course marked with a red line.

These are challenging times for everyone, particularly for athletes. Covid 19 has caused the cancellation of races, events, and training camps. Physical Distancing makes it impossible to train with our teammates or training partners.