A race charges out of the transition area with his bike almost ready to get on and ride.

Multisport racing in 2022

The last two years have been challenging for endurance athletes and the endurance sports industry. Some races were canceled, others postponed, and some were reformatted to comply with public health rules.

Through all of this we have been challenged with caring for ourselves and each other physically and emotionally during a very difficult time. At Human Powered Racing we have continued to do what we can to ensure the health and safety of our people and continue to provide fun and meaningful multi-sport experiences.

In 2020 we hosted SwimRun Victoria, the only endurance event to happen that year in BC. It was adapted to comply with public health rules but it happened.

In 2021, after delays and adjustments, we were able to host all six of our usual races. Some of the races looked different than in previous years. We worked with TriBC and Vancouver Island Health to create race formats that conformed to public health orders and still provided good experiences for our athletes.

Looking forward to 2022 it would be unrealistic to expect that racing will completely return to what it was pre-pandemic. Many improvements have happened since the dark days of 2020 when events were being shut down. We have learned a lot about how to safely host endurance events during the pandemic and we are confident that events can be held that are fun, challenging, and safe.

All Human Powered Racing events are going ahead in 2022. There are all of our usual events plus at least one addition. Registration is open. We continue to work with Triathlon BC, our venues and public health officials to ensure that all of our events will be safe and fun. We have implemented techniques and practices we have learned during the pandemic to help safeguard our participants.

We will continue to adapt as circumstances require to ensure that our races go ahead. We are committed to providing the best experience possible to our participants and to keeping everyone safe and healthy. We will do everything we can to ensure that our races happen as planned. We hope to see you at a Human Powered Racing event in 2022.